Who is HATE?
Amidst the seemingly limitless array of emojis (well actually, as of March, 2019, there were 3,019 Unicode standard Emojis, according to emojipedia.org) we found a void. Despite all of the emoji choices, there is one expression that lacked its very own Emoji: HATE — in a “things you love to hate” kind of way. We believe that HATE in and of itself is not evil, it is how we choose to use it that defines us. HATE is an emotion that we all feel at one time or another.
We believe in self-expression
We believe that everyone has the right to feel passionately about things they love AND things they hate.
We do no harm.
We use our powers for good.
EXPRESS yourself — protest, picket, donate, or just complain.

We exist to give a voice to all the things we HATE about day-to-day life. Mondays are just the beginning…of the week…and of all things Monday.
From people to pets, traffic to bras (yes, we said bras) we all have something the gets our goat.

Misery loves company, wear your heart on your sleeve and let us voice your pet peeve, you may have more company than you thought!